
Friday, 24 February 2017

Reflection: Writing about process

In mid January I watched the movie Cowspiracy as a step towards learning more about meat-productions effects on the environment. For those of you who haven't heard or seen the movie, it can be found on Netflix. The movie points out some facts regarding the meat industry and how it affects the planet, with a very large carbo footprint and green house emissions. My first instinct when I had finished watching the movie was that I really needed to share all this newly found information on the blog - people need to know about this! However I took a deep breath and did a google search instead: "Cowspiracy facts" and found lots of articles telling me that maybe I should question some of the information stated as facts in Cowspiracy.

And that's where I stand. I realized that I needed to learn more and not only write about the information I found on one source, but read on in different sources, comparing them and giving you some sort of balanced information. Pointing out that this source is saying this, this other source is saying the opposite and this third one is showing us more evidence hance more likely to be close to the truth. And I am still in that process, needing to learn more to give you a correct picture.

But the thing about the blog was that I wanted to show you process. Not a finished result. So here I am writing a post about the small changes I have made

1. I have stopped eating meat. And no, that doesn't mean I eat fish or chicken. Until I learn more about what impact different kind of meat's have I stopped with all of them. To be "safe" so to speak. However I do still eat dairy and egg.

2. I buy organic and locally produced as often as possible.

3. I recycle. I mean I have always recycled but now I have made an effort to really recycle everything. In our city they're collecting food waste and make bio gas from it. I have thought of this as a big hassle since the waste needs to be collected in paper bags and they always start to leak and you get mushy-gooey-waste fluid dripping all over the place. But I have reconsidered and started using the brown bags again and feel pleased with it!

All of the three changes above are things that at least I see as obvious choices for someone who want's to live more sustainably. However I do want to learn more about them and tell you all about it, is white meat better than red? Is organic food really better? What happens to recycled products? For the time being however, it will have to do with "common sense" saying that yes, this is better. Which at least for me is enough to make these changes in my day-to-day life.

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