
Friday, 10 March 2017

Reflection: Why I ate a kebab even though I have stopped eating meat

As I've mentioned before, I have decided to stop eating meat. Even though I have not made an extensive research on the subject (yet) it makes sense, to me, that if I eat vegetables it's less impact on the environment compared to me eating an animal that's been fed on vegetables. Logic really, less resources needed from the environment.

About a week and a half ago, me and my partner where feeling lazy and decided to buy dinner instead of cooking. He ordered a kebab, and I ordered falafel. Happily and hungry we walked home feeling that we had had a succesful hunt. As we got home and sat down to eat, we realized that we did not have a falafel and a kebab. We had two kebabs. Crap!

(To be honest, I have never been one to say no to meat before. I love meat, and would normally never choose falafel over kebab. But since this project started I have been committed to go the distance and stick to my decision to lessen my impact on the environment. Don't do anything half assed!)

So there I was at home, with a kebab when I had ordered a falafel. I had two options: go back with the kebab and ask for a falafel, or eat the kebab. Just as I was on my way to put the shoes back on to go and return the kebab and get a falafel instead, I realized that it was not the way to go. Sure, eating falafel is what I really wanted and a falafel most likely have less impact on the environment compared to a kebab. But. If I were to return the kebab, the restaurant would have thrown it away and made me a falafel instead, meaning that I would have used the resources of both the kebab and the falafel to feed myself this evening. Not a very good use of resources.

So I decided to eat the kebab. Not because it was the best option from the beginning but because, during the circumstances it became the best option. I have to consider, in every moment, what will be the best solution and use as little resources as possible based on what I have before me. For me this is a good example of how to think regarding minimizing waste. What are your thoughts?

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